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簡要描述:NutriStem® hESC XF, Xeno-Free medium for human ES & iPS Cell culture, with HSA人類胚胎干細胞無血清培養基 注冊品牌: BI 生產廠家: BI公司訂購貨號: 05-100-1A/B,05-102-1A/B規格型號: 500mL/瓶保存溫度: 2~8℃到貨時間:2-5天

  • 產品型號:05-100-1A/B,05-102-1
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2025-02-12
  • 訪  問  量:3275
品牌Biological Industries


NutriStem® hESC XF, Xeno-Free medium for human ES & iPS Cell culture, with HSA


AF NutriStem® hESC XF, Xeno-Free medium for human ES & iPS Cell culture, without HSA

貨號: 05-102-1A/B,人類胚胎干細胞無血清培養基(不含人血清白蛋白)


傳統干細胞培養過程中必需添加的異種動物(非人類)成分,如牛血清或豬血清,使之無法*排除人畜共染病毒、朊病毒(Prion)及支原體污染細胞 的可能性,這是造成人類干細胞進入臨床應用的主要障礙之一。經由使用成分明確、全合成的無血清干細胞培養基可有效避免人畜共染疾病的問題,同時全合成培養 基無批間差異,培養條件容易保持*,實驗的重復性大為提高。應用無血清干細胞培養基可為干細胞在心血管疾病、神經性退化及癌癥的臨床治療方面打開了一扇 大門。

為了滿足科研與生物醫藥企業的需求,BI公司與以色列國家科學研究院(Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)的Dr. Itskovitz共同合作開發了一代、擁有自主知識產權的人類胚胎干細胞(hESC)和誘導胚胎干細胞(iPSC)無血清*培養基—— NutriStem®。

Dr. Joseph Itskovitz己在Stem Cells, Stem Cell Dev, PNAS, Nature及Science等雜志發表近百篇文章,并有三項胚胎干細胞培養與分化誘導,同時也是1998年*篇分離人類胚胎干細胞論文的共同作者,現任職于以色列國家科學研究院Rambam Medical Center。美國國家衛生研究院干細胞庫中批準用于科研的22株人類胚胎干細胞由其團隊提供了8株。

Embryonic stem cell lines derived from human blastocysts. J. A. Thomson, J. Itskovitz-Eldor, et. al., Science.  Vol. 282, no. 5391, 1145-1147. 1998.

NutriStem® hESC XF, Xeno-Free medium for human ES & iPS Cell culture, with HSA


開瓶即可使用的*培養基,不含異源動物成分,添加了醫療級的人血清白蛋白(HSA:Human Serum Albumin),以適用于無滋養層培養法(Feeder-Free),如Matrigel™或conditioned medium培養。

AF NutriStem® hESC XF, Xeno-Free medium for human ES & iPS Cell culture, without HSA

貨號: 05-102-1A/B,人類胚胎干細胞無血清培養基(不含人血清白蛋白)

開瓶即可使用的*培養基,不含任何動物來源成分,適用于鼠胚胎纖維原細胞(Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts-MEF)及人包皮纖維原細胞(Human Foreskin Fibroblasts-HFF)滋養層培養法。


1. Human and mouse adipose-derived cells support feeder-independent induction of pluripotent stem cells. Sugii et al. PNAS. Vol. 107, No 8, 3558-3563, 2009.

2. Current technology for the derivation of pluripotent stem cell lines from human embryos. Hasegawa et al., Cell Stem Cell. Vol. 6, 521-531, 2010.

3. Progress and challenges in optimiztion of human pluripotent stem cell culture. Ge et al., Current Stem Cell research & Therapy. Vol. 5, 207-214, 2010.

4. Highly efficient reprogramming to pluripotency and directed differentiation of human cells with synthetic modified mRNA. Warren et al., Cell Stem Cell. Vol. 7, 1-13, 2010.

5. Fibrin microbeads (FMB) loaded with mesenchymal cells support their long term survival while sealed at room temperature. Gorodetsky et al. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. Online Ahead of Editing, March 2011.

6. Site-specific gene correction of a point mutation in human iPS cells derived from an adult patient with sickle cell disease. Zou, et al. Blood. August 2011.


BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    05-010-1A    "DCCM-1 without L-Glutamine
哺乳動物細胞懸浮培養無血清培養基"    500ml    4℃
BI公司    05-015-1A    "DCCM-2 without L-Glutamine
哺乳動物細胞懸浮培養無血清培養基"    500ml    4℃
BI公司    05-040-1A    "Low Protein Media BSA-Free (LPM), without L-Glutamine
哺乳動物細胞懸浮培養無血清培養基"    500ml    4℃
BI公司    05-050-1A    "BIOINSECT-1, With L-Glutamine
哺乳動物細胞懸浮培養無血清培養基"    500ml    4℃
BI公司    05-060-1A    "BIO-MPM-1,Multi-Purpose SFM, without L-Glutamine
哺乳動物細胞懸浮培養無血清培養基"    500ml    4℃
BI公司    05-061-1A    "BI℃HO-1 SFM Base without L-Glutamine
CHO貼壁細胞無血清培養基"    500ml    4℃
BioInd公司    05-065-1A    "Serum-Free Cell Freezing Medium
無血清細胞凍存液"    500ml    4℃
BioInd公司    05-065-1C    "Serum-Free Cell Freezing Medium
無血清細胞凍存液"    20ml    4℃
BioInd 公司    05-066-1A    "NutriVero VP1, Animal Component-Free Serum-Free Medium for the Monolayer Culture of Vero Cells (NutriVero VP1, ACF SFM)

BioInd公司    01-015-5A    Basal Medium Eagle (Earle's) 10X     500ml    AMB
BioInd公司    01-340-1B    MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution, 100X Conc.    100ml    4℃
BioInd公司    02-010-1A    Earle's Balanced Salt Solution    500ml    AMB
BioInd公司    02-010-5A    Earle's Balanced Salt Solution, 10X Conc., without Sodium Bicarbonate    500ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-010-5A    Earle's Balanced Salt Solution, 10X Conc., without Sodium Bicarbonate    500ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-011-5B    Earle's Balanced Salt Solution, 10X Conc., without Phenol Red, without Sodium Bicarbonate    100ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-015-1B    Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution    100ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-016-1A    Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution, without Phenol Red    500ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-017-1A    Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution, without Calcium and Magnesium    500ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-017-1B    Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution, without Calcium and Magnesium    100ml    AMB
BI公司    02-018-1A    Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution, without Calcium and Magnesium, without Phenol Red    500ml    AMB
BI公司    02-020-1A    Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)    500ml    4℃
BI公司    02-020-1B    Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)    100ml    4℃
BI公司    02-023-1A    Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium and Magnesium    500ml    AMB
BI公司    02-023-1B    Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium and Magnesium    100ml    AMB
BioInd公司    02-023-5A    Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 10X Conc., without Calcium and Magnesium    500ml    AMB
BioInd公司    02-045-1A    Alsever's Solution    500ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    02-045-1B    Alsever's Solution    100ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-010-1B    "Bovine Albumin Solution (10%), Fraction V in saline
牛白蛋白(10%)"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-015-1B    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA) Disodium Salt Solution, 0.05% in DPBS    100ml    AMB
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-020-1A    "L-Glutamine Solution,  29.2mg/ml in Saline  (200 millimole/liter)
谷氨酰胺溶液"    500ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-020-1B    "L-Glutamine Solution,  29.2mg/ml in Saline  (200 millimole/liter)
谷氨酰胺溶液"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-020-1C    "L-Glutamine Solution,  29.2mg/ml in Saline  (200 millimole/liter)
谷氨酰胺溶液"    20ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-022-1B    "L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine (Stable Glutamine), 200 mM per liter
谷氨酰胺溶液"    100ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-025-1B    "Hepes Buffer Solution, pH 7.3 at 37℃, 1.0 Molar
Hepes緩沖液"    100ml    AMB
BI公司    03-025-1C    "Hepes Buffer Solution,  pH 7.3 at 37℃, 1.0 Molar
Hepes緩沖液"    20ml    AMB
BI公司    03-028-1B    "Amphotericin B Solution, 250 microgram/ml
兩性霉素B"    100ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-028-1C    "Amphotericin B Solution, 250 microgram/ml
兩性霉素B"    20ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-029-1B    "Amphotericin B Solution, 2500 microgram/ml
兩性霉素B"    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-029-1C    "Amphotericin B Solution, 2500 microgram/ml
兩性霉素B"    20ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-030-1C    "Nystatin Suspension, 200,000 units/ml
制真霉素"    20ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-031-1B    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate
青蓮雙抗"    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-031-1C    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate
青蓮雙抗"    20ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-031-5B    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution, 10X Conc., 100,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 100mg/ml, Streptomycin Sulfate
青蓮雙抗,10濃縮液"    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-031-5C    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution, 10X Conc., 100,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 100mg/ml, Streptomycin Sulfate
青蓮雙抗,10濃縮液"    20ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-032-1B    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Nystatin Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate, 1,250 units/ml Nystatin
青蓮霉素,制真菌素三抗"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-032-1C    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Nystatin Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate, 1,250 units/ml Nystatin
青蓮霉素,制真菌素三抗"    20ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-033-1B    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Amphotericin B Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate, 25 microgram/ml Amphotericin B
青蓮霉素,兩性霉素B三抗"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-033-1C    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Amphotericin B Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate, 25 microgram/ml Amphotericin B
青蓮霉素,兩性霉素B三抗"    20ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-034-1B    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Neomycin Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate, 10mg/ml Neomycin Sulfate
青蓮霉素,新霉素三抗"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-034-1C    "Penicillin-Streptomycin Neomycin Solution, 10,000 units/ml Penicillin G Sodium Salt, 10mg/ml Streptomycin Sulfate, 10mg/ml Neomycin Sulfate
青蓮霉素,新霉素三抗"    20ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-035-1B    "Gentamycin Sulfate Solution, 50 mg/ml
硫酸慶大霉素溶液"    100ml    AMB
BI公司    03-035-1C    "Gentamycin Sulfate Solution, 50 mg/ml
硫酸慶大霉素溶液"    20ml    AMB
BI公司    03-040-1B    "Sodium Bicarbonate Solution (7.5%)
碳酸氫鈉溶液"    100ml    AMB
BI公司    03-042-1B    "Sodium Pyruvate Solution, 11.0mg/ml (100 mM)
丙酮酸鈉"    100ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-045-1B    Trypsin Solution A (0.25%), with Calcium and Magnesium, without Phenol Red,胰蛋白酶,含鈣和鎂    100ml    4℃
BI公司    03-046-1B    Trypsin Solution B (0.25%), without Calcium and Magnesium, without Phenol Red,胰蛋白酶,    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-046-5B    Trypsin Solution B (2.5%), 10X Conc., without Calcium and Magnesium, without Phenol Red,胰蛋白酶    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-047-1A    "Crystalline Trypsin Solution (0.02%), without Phenol Red
水晶胰酶"    500ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-047-1B    "Crystalline Trypsin Solution (0.02%), without Phenol Red
水晶胰酶"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-048-1C    "Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor 50X Conc., 5mg/ml
大豆胰蛋白酶抑制劑"    20ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-049-1B    "Kanamycin Sulphate Solution, 10mg/ml
卡那霉素溶液"    100ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-049-1C    "Kanamycin Sulphate Solution, 10mg/ml
碳酸氫鈉溶液"    20ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-050-1A    Trypsin EDTA Solution A (0.25%), EDTA (0.02%), with Phenol Red,胰酶    500ml    -20℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-050-1B    Trypsin EDTA Solution A (0.25%), EDTA (0.02%), with Phenol Red,胰酶    100ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-051-5B    "Trypsin EDTA (0.5%),  EDTA 0.2% , 10X Conc.
胰酶,10倍濃縮液"    100ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-051-5C    "Trypsin EDTA (0.5%),  EDTA 0.2% , 10X Conc.
胰酶,10倍濃縮液"    20ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-052-1A    Trypsin EDTA Solution B (0.25%), EDTA  (0.05%), with Phenol Red,胰酶    500ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-052-1B    Trypsin EDTA Solution B (0.25%), EDTA  (0.05%), with Phenol Red,胰酶    100ml    -20℃
BI公司    03-053-1A    Trypsin EDTA Solution C (0.05%), EDTA (0.02%), with Phenol Red,胰酶    500ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-053-1B    Trypsin EDTA Solution C (0.05%), EDTA (0.02%), with Phenol Red,胰酶    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-054-1B    Trypsin EDTA Solution C (0.05%), EDTA (0.02%), without Phenol Red,胰酶    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-055-1A    "Water, Cell Culture Grade
水,細胞培養級別"    500ml    AMB
BioInd公司    03-071-1B    "Cell Diss℃iation Solution (non-enzymatic)
細胞分離溶液"    100ml    4℃
BioInd公司    03-072-1B    "Papain  ACF Dissac℃iation Solution
木瓜蛋白酶分離溶液"    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-085-1B    HT Supplement, 50X Conc., (Hypoxanthine 680.5mg/l, Thymidine 193.8mg/l), in DPBS    100ml    -20℃
BioInd公司    03-090-1-01    "Fibronectin Solution (Bovine), 1mg/ml
牛纖維粘連蛋白"    1ml    4℃
BioInd公司    03-090-1-05    "Fibronectin Solution (Bovine), 1mg/ml
牛纖維粘連蛋白"    5ml    4℃
BIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES    03-102-1B    "Trypan Blue Solution, 5mg/ml in Saline
臺酚藍溶液"    100ml    AMB




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重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司主要經營干細胞研究 干細胞治療產品 生物試劑 實驗耗材 藥物研發等產品。



